Winter Tag 2016

Hey everyone! 
So it's officially winter now so what better than to do a Winter tag. I made up some random questions. I don't know if they will be similar to someone elses but I hope not!

What are your top 2 beauty essentials?
The thing one that pops in my mind is a good lip balm. It’s really a necessity during the cold seasons as my lips always split so badly and they get so painful! And secondly maybe a really good body lotion? My skin can get really dry, even though I do have oily skin, so a lotion is essential for me.

What shoes do you tend to wear most in the winter?
Boots! Tall or short boots. Especially with fluffy insoles, they are so warm and comfy its like fluffy socks everyday. I could be dressed like that all year-long and not get bored! But maybe to warm...

What is your favorite winter accessory?

I'm not a fan of accessory's really but I love blanket scarfs so much!

Favourite Winter Candle?

Yankee Candle Christmas eve. No question about it.

Favourite Christmas/Holiday song?

I love the classics, frosty the snow man and a bit of Mariah Carey for me! And you can't forget WHAM!

Favourite Christmas/Holiday movie?

I love too many Christmas movies, but The Holiday makes me always in a good mood. I love watching a princess for Christmas and cute movies like that.

If you were to ask Santa for one thing and you were guaranteed to get it, what would it be? 

Well, it depends on how much can I ask. Looking towards the future I’d ask for the money to move to US, get my degree in Material Science. Or being able to get whatever I really wish for if I work hard for it.
However, being more materialistic and maybe down to earth, I’ll simply ask for clothes and money to buy a few more things to help me with my blog, for example my camera broke...

And thats it! I hope you liked this little tag to mark the start of winter.

Zoe Abigail x



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