5 Common Misconceptions About - Your body

Hey everyone, 

So, hair grows back thicker when you shave it! Reading in dim light turns you blind! A lot of false notions are more widely believed than the truth. But whats actually real ?

Myth 1: Hair Grows Back Thicker When You Shave It

I researched a clinical trial. It showed that shaving had no effect on hair growth. Studies confirm that shaving does not affect the thickness or rate of hair regrowth. In addition, shaving removes the dead portion of hair, not the living section lying below the skin's surface, so it is unlikely to affect the rate or type of growth. Shaved hair gives an impression of coarseness. Also, the new hair has not yet been lightened by the sun or other chemical exposures, resulting in an appearance that seems darker than existing hair. Basically, shaved hair feels and looks coarse and that leads you to believe it's thicker. In reality you're just fooling yourself and your hair remains the same.

Myth 2: You Need Eight Hours of Sleep Per Day

We're told we need to sleep eight hours each night, and while that's true for some it isn't true for all. Wired Magazine profiled a chemical called Orexin A that is believed to work as a sleep replacement. It's already present in humans in limited amounts, and when depleted causes us to feel tired.This points to the possibility that sleep may not be as relevant as we think it is. Either way, while eight hours of sleep isn't a bad recommendation it is definitely not a necessity for everyone.

Myth 3: Reading in Dim Light Ruins Your Eyes

Reading in dim light is supposed to be bad for you, which is somewhat evidenced by a surviving bedside lamp and book light industry. If not, you've certainly been told to turn on a light when reading in the near-dark. While reading without sufficient lighting can cause eye strain it won't cause any serious and permanent damage. However, I always used to read in minimal light and now I have to wear glasses. Do with that what you will.

Myth 4: Your Slow Metabolism Makes You Fat

When you have a fast metabolism, your body is burning more calories. That means that fit and healthy people have faster metabolisms, right? Wrong. People with weight problems who have obesity have a higher metabolism compared to people who are lean. Your basal metabolism is the calories you burn to keep your body going, so if your body is bigger of course your metabolism is greater. If your body is smaller your metabolism is less.

Myth 5: You'll Catch a Cold from Cold (and Wet) Weather Conditions

Cold or wet weather does not cause a cold, but nobody seems to want to accept this. The is common cold is caused by a virus. These viruses are everywhere and it is difficult to avoid them. When you are exposed to someone who has a cold, you are more likely to get ill yourself, so be careful about close contact and definitely wash your hands. Not getting enough sleep or eating poorly can also reduce your immune system. Remember that antibiotics won't fight your everyday cold. Antibiotics work only against bacteria.

Zoe Abigail x



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