My Study Tips 2016

Hey everyone, 

Today I'm going to be talking about studying and more importantly ways to study effectively. These are things I use while studying Physics, Chemistry and maths but they're all open to your own personal interpretation.

The first thing I usually do is create a study space at home. I don't usually set up my revision station in bed. The temptation to curl up and fall asleep or go onto netflix is high. Some might benefit not studying at home but to go to the library or a local cafe.

Before you start, I make sure I've gone to the toilet, have all the books I need, I also grab drinks and some healthy snacks ( I'll be making another post soon ). I sometimes put fluffy socks on as well. They're helpful I promise.


I’m a great fan of flash cards. Keeping them simple and the information on them short is the key to success with them though. Just note the key points rather than endless paragraphs. They are great to take out and about with you so you can revise on the bus or train home. But if you just have to much information to remember and carry with you ( I'd need suitcases) I use an app on my phone called Flashcards + it's great and very easy to use.

Test Friends

I personally revise better on my own as I talk to myself and mutter a lot of nonsense but I know for a lot of people it can be better to revise with friends or partners. You can test each other and if one understands things better can usually explain better than a teacher as they know how you learn.

Revision Planner

I didn’t do a revision planner when I did my GCSEs. I’m now using a revision planner for my A-level exams and it is making a great difference. Splitting up the topics I need to revise within each subject and having set areas to cover and certain time frames in which to study them in. Without planning it can be very easy to focus too much in one area or subject and you may miss some important information or forget to revise other subjects.


I have already touched on this but Apps! They're incredible and help me stay so organised and focused. I love Forest, Flashcards + and My study life. Just seach a few up, just try not to go crazy, it's easy to get sucked into all the apps and not actually getting any work done.

Pretend you’re Teaching

This is a technique I love to do. I personally teach my dad and talk him through things. It's great because he responds and asks me really good questions some are super simple but they make me stop and think. Sometimes if he's busy I'll teach a bear or even talk to boyfriend over FaceTime and bore him to death about Physics. 

Past papers

I’m not a huge fan of past papers. I hate exams as it is but at least with these you don't have to stress about them and you can see question styles and what not. It is also gives you an opportunity to see how the exam is likely to be set out and the kind of detail you need to put into your answers

Reward yourself!

Take a break, but in those breaks do something that is completely away from studying. Go for a walk, have a Facebook binge, listen to some music, I'd advise against watching your favourite programme as you can get hooked into the 'Next Episode' button so quickly it's untrue ( experience talking there ). 
Other tips


Read a whole chapter before you decide you don't get it. Something might start off as really hard and confusing and you can get worked up about it but it might well be explained by the end of the chapter.

Don’t spend time revising what you already know. You know it! So try something that you find that bit harder.

Don’t try and get through a whole physics text book in one day! Spend an hour on physics, then maybe after a break sometime on geography, etc.

Try not to worry too much about the exams. Yes, they are important but I doubt that will cause the end of the world if you don’t pass!

Good Luck in all your exams. Let me know how your exams go and any study tips that works for you.

Zoe Abigail x




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